USI Blog

Become an Insulation Installer – Watch this Video

The ICAA (Insulation Contractors Association of America) just launched a new video that helps job seekers learn how they can become an insulation installer. Check it out and share with anyone you know who might be interested in joining our exciting field of work! This video provides an overview of the insulation industry and highlights the often overlooked benefits of becoming an installer.

Become an Insulation Installer by Applying Now!

To search for a job and apply directly to USI, visit our Careers page. You can also check out ICAA’s Get Hired portal.

If you’re interested specifically in spray foam insulation, please check out our Spray Foam Installer Recruiting page.

Here’s the video in English:

Here’s the video in Spanish:

USI Company Background

USI is one of the largest nationwide providers of installation, construction and distribution services to the residential and commercial construction markets. Nationwide, USI has over 1,900 employees and 46 locations across 14 states. Our entire installation process is designed to maximize safety, quality, and efficiency. Our local branches have extensive knowledge of building science and local energy codes, and the experience to provide the ideal insulation and air sealing solutions that meet code and achieve optimal comfort and energy savings.

Safety & Best Practices

Best practices for USI starts with performing installations in accordance with the USI Spray Foam Playbook, an 86-page document that covers a thorough understanding of building science and spray polyurethane foam insulation. When you become an insulation installer with USI, you learn pretty quickly that safety is our #1 priority. The playbook we use for training is a useful tool in our standardized USI spray foam technician training and certification program that every installer must go through and pass to qualify to be on the job site. USI standardized daily processes to ensure the crews have everything needed to perform their job in a safe, efficient and timely manner. These processes and lessons learned are shared with our branches across the nation, as are lessons learned on unique jobs.

USI follows standard safety procedures on all spray foam jobs. Special care is taken to ensure that when spraying outside of any structure that there are anchor points on which to fasten fall protection equipment. USI spray foam applicators have at a minimum completed CPI Health & Safety training, met OSHA requirements for safety and respirator programs, and have completed any necessary supplier applicator programs.

USI Employment

USI Spray Foam Insulation Capabilities

Spray foam is the biggest innovation in the insulation industry since the introduction of fiberglass in the 1950s. This advancement in technology allows us to create more energy efficient and comfortable homes with lower R-value, cutting homeowners’ heating and cooling costs in half. USI is proud to provide next-generation building solutions. USI received the 2016 SPFA (Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance) Industry Excellence Award, was recently featured on a national television show for its commercial spray foam insulation capabilities, and has received local media coverage for many high profile construction jobs for which we’ve provided installed spray foam insulation. Additionally, USI regularly works to educate local builders, inspectors and architects about the benefits of spray foam insulation and ensures its trainers receive the industry’s best spray foam technician training. This type of continuous training helps USI provide high quality, current spray foam installer training on the various products, equipment and technology we use, while upholding our stringent safety standards and those of our suppliers.