If you are interested in reducing your energy usage bills, it is always a good idea to perform an energy audit. Through a basic audit, it can be easy for all homeowners to pinpoint where their homes can be secured against unwanted energy leakages. Consider some of the following steps that you can take to perform an audit.
Finding Air Leaks
Homeowners can begin by walking around their house to try and spot areas that feel drafty. Air leaks are some of the biggest energy savings problems that homeowners can experience. Studies show that the potential energy savings in reducing drafts can be as high as 30 percent a year. Air leaks commonly occur around baseboard gaps and door frames, and careful inspection during a windy day can be a good way to spot them.
Inspecting the Insulation
Another good way to spot problematic areas in the home is by looking into the existing insulation. Heat loss through the walls and ceiling in the home can result in higher energy costs, especially during the winter. When your heating system has to work harder to heat the same amount, you not only lose on potential savings, but also damage the heater itself. By inspecting and reinforcing the insulation in your home, you will be able to increase your savings.
Assessing Heating and Cooling Equipment
If you notice that your HVAC equipment needs to work harder during the colder or hotter seasons, it can be a good idea to inspect the appliance. If your HVAC equipment is not serviced regularly, it may experience problems in the long term, resulting in less-efficient performance, which can increase your energy bills. It is always a good idea to inspect or have a professional inspect your system prior to the start of an intensive season.
Checking the Lighting
Another good way to save money on your bills is through the lighting. Studies show that lighting accounts for over 10 percent of all energy usage. As a part of the energy audit, homeowners can choose to reduce their bulb use by replacing their inefficient lighting systems with LED or incandescent bulbs. Lower watt options can be another good way to invest.
Professional Assistance
If you are interested in learning more about an energy audit or having a professional come to your home for an inspection, contact USI online to get a free quote. USI believes that excellence in every step of the process ensures timely completion and quality service, time after time.